Health is Wealth. Health is Justice. And Health is Power.
For many women in rural Kenya, being HIV positive magnifies a life of insecurity, rejection, and violence.
Challenges for women and girls in Kakamega County include physical and sexual abuse, disinheritance of widows, and high transmission and stigma of HIV/AIDS. Join us as we discuss breaking cycles of poverty and abuse by strengthening institutions and developing opportunities for women and girls to take control of their own health journey, develop their own income and build their own financial stability.
The Kenya Kares Task Force is working with women in Shinyalu to address food scarcity and wellness as a bedrock for developing personal agency and self-sufficiency in the form of farming entrepreneurships. Each woman will develop their own farm business, providing personal income and opportunities to nurture their innate leadership, management and organizational skills to lead social change in their communities.
Kenya Kares Project – Task Force
Nicole Bulanchuk | Bethann Carbone | Brooke Diviak | Michael Heil
Juliette Lezak | Gordon Tapper | Kristine Yakhama